Prince & Princess

Prince Charles is wearing white silk jacket with gold trimmings and black polyester dress pants. It takes 36,000 silk caterpillars 60 days and one ton of mulberry leaves to produce 12 pounds of raw silk.

Silk....... The Royal Fabric.
Princess Crystal is wearing a pink gown to complement her beauty.

Princess Sandy is wearing the same style dress, the dresses are made out of silk fabric with beautiful  roller printing on the bottom of them.

The Royal Dance
Photo with Prince Charles & Princess Sandy.

The two Princess

The two princess both like Prince Charles but he's got is eyes on Princess Crystal. 

Princess Tashel is wearing a pink & blue ball room gown.

Princess Tashel & Prince Andre of Wales.
King Dominick, Princess Tashel & Prince Andre

They're having a wonderful time,they both have lovely smiles.

Prince Andre & Princess Sandy

King Dominick & Prince Andre are sporting their Royal suit, if you notice Prince Andre is wearing the wrong foot wear. The reason for this I only had one pair of silk boots.

These two look lovely together, King & Princess..... They were all dressed by me. Dominick is one of my newest Ken dolls. I have Sandy for years. (Nicknamed her blue eyes.)

The dresses are picked to go with their personalities.

Royal brush & comb


King Dominick.... King of the Royal Ball

All four in a photo together.

Princess Sandy changed into a deep blue ball room gown, it sit off the shoulders. This dress complement her skin tone and brings out her beautiful blue eyes. The gorgeous diamond necklace around her neck is from the royal barbie collections.

Princess horse

The miss fits